The philosophy of this educational Programme is based on the following beliefs:
Man is an evolving Being: what he becomes collectively is the result of his living experience
Nursing is a science which derives a large portion of its knowledge based from the natural and social sciences from the humanities. It integrates and applies those principles through the nursing process which forms the focal point nursing activities.
Nursing is also an art, based on the creative application of knowledge, skills and interpersonal competencies, the ultimate goal of which is to provide efficient and effective patient care.
The practice of nursing is directed towards the patient who as a bio psychosocial being responds to internal and external phenomena. Perioperative nursing respond by providing safe environment of collaborative team work with other professional of the health team to promote health, prevent illness, assist in curing diseases or help the patient attain a peaceful death.
The perioperative Nurse will continually develop his/her knowledge, skills attitudes and values through continuing education since learning is a long life process.