About Us

Welcome to Perioperative Nursing School

Perioperative Nursing Educational Programme is a post basic Programme designed to equip the student with the complexity of knowledge and skills required to effectively care for recipients of perioperative nursing services.
Nursing in the operating theatre involves the nursing care of patients having known or predicated anatomic or physiologic alterations. It is practiced in an environment in which basic life supporting needs are of the highest priority.
It is a comprehensive practice encompassing the patient’s surgical experience through the pre-operative intra-operative and into the immediate post-operative phases. It occurs within a serial milieu characterized by rapidly changing technological, economic and cultural forces which require continuous adaption by professional practitioners in collaboration with other members of the health team, assisting in ensuring continuity of care by providing assistance in planning regime of care in the pre-operative intra operative and immediate post-operative phases of the patient’s surgical experience.




Perioperative Nursing School, University College Hospital, Ibadan is one of the seven perioperative Nursing Schools in Nigeria. The school was established as a result of the need for specialties require of certain skills which must be dveloped from a particular set of knowledge, ability, attitude and values. Approval was given by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria to the management and formal instructions commenced on 11th of June, 1990.
The School admits students from all the thirty six (36) states of the federation, including Abuja. Since inception, the school has trained several perioperative Nurses who are managers in various operating rooms in the nation and abroad. The course is a twelve month calendar programme from mid November of a year to the Next November and it runs in semesters. Ever since the establishment, the school has recorded tremendous progress in the fulfillment of the set objectives.




At the end of course, the Perioperative Nursing Student should achieve the following objectives:

  • Assess the Surgical patient to determine his/her physical and emotional needs
  • Evaluate the learning needs of the surgical patient and his family and perform teaching as needed.
  • Provide physical and emotional support to the patient and his family during the perioperative period.
  • Exhibit Competence in the role of scrubbing and circulating.
  • Communicate, interest effectively, ensure safety and implement perioperative care decision with other members of the health team, Supervise and instruct perioperative nursing students and others; Control hospital cost through effective budgeting and auditing Participate in architectural design of operating theater department to effect efficiency and Quality patient care-initiate; conduct and participate in research projects directed towards surgical patient care and growth of the nursing profession.




  • Utilization of the nursing process in providing efficient and effective perioperative nursing care.
  • Ability to assist the anxious patient cope with the biological and environmental changes experienced during the perioperative phases.
  • Ability to ensure safety and implement perioperative care decision in collaboration with other members of the health team.
  • Conduction and participation in research projects directed towards improvement of patient care and growth of the nursing profession.
  • Participation in effective budgeting and auditing of the unit.
  • Participation in Evidence based nursing practice.
  • Participation in architectural design of operating theater department to effect efficiency and quality patient care.

To prepare professional nurses who are competent and highly versatile knowledge and attitude values required for perioperative nursing practice in health care institutions that will enable them cope with surgical intervention in the served and underserved areas of the community from the moment the decision for surgery is taken until discharge from the perioperative environment.

The philosophy of this educational Programme is based on the following beliefs:
Man is an evolving Being: what he becomes collectively is the result of his living experience

Nursing is a science which derives a large portion of its knowledge based from the natural and social sciences from the humanities. It integrates and applies those principles through the nursing process which forms the focal point nursing activities.

Nursing is also an art, based on the creative application of knowledge, skills and interpersonal competencies, the ultimate goal of which is to provide efficient and effective patient care.

The practice of nursing is directed towards the patient who as a bio psychosocial being responds to internal and external phenomena. Perioperative nursing respond by providing safe environment of collaborative team work with other professional of the health team to promote health, prevent illness, assist in curing diseases or help the patient attain a peaceful death.

The perioperative Nurse will continually develop his/her knowledge, skills attitudes and values through continuing education since learning is a long life process.

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